I knew that for this project to work, I needed the right transducer, and a transmitter that needs to have this amount of power and be able to beam that power across the room and hit these targets, and so on. 我知道这个项目要想成功,必须要有正确的换能器,另外还得有一个能发射足够额度电能的发射机,等等。
Strengthening the Management of the Power Distribution Technology and Improving the Safety and Reliability of Power Distribution Room 加强配电技术的管理,提高机房配电安全可靠性
Sergeant Siler and a maintenance crew to the power room! 警卫和所有抢修人员赶快去动力室!
In order to implement few or no duty working and centralized maintenance on power supplies in power room, it is necessary to set up a completed power environment centralized control system. 为实现电源设备乃至通信机房的少人或无人值守和集中维护,必须建立一套完善的电信局动力环境集中监控系统。
Above research can provide regulations to solve problem of ventilation to cooling of power transformer room in high temperature condition. 此研究结果可为解决高温气候条件下变压器室通风降温问题提供依据。
Inspect fire protection equipments for power supply room and emergency generator room and ensure proper operation of all equipments and system. 检查配电室及发电机房消防设备情况并保持完好状态。
Upgrading plan for the power supply system of Jincheng power communication equipment room 晋城电力通信机房电源系统改造方案
Discussion on Design and Implementation of Remote Monitoring System for Telecommunication Power Supply Engineering Room 浅谈通信电源机房远程监控系统的设计与实现
Improvement of Power Supervision System for Power Room Based on PC 基于笔记本电脑的机房电源监控系统改造
I think I just located one of them near the power room. 我想有一个在发电房附近。
Who do you think had the real power in that room? 你认为在那间房间里谁说了算?
The Power of creating room for your kids is that you become amazed by what they do with it. 当你减少对他们的选择的ANXIETY的时候,他们的选择就回开始让你吃惊。以下是8种给孩子创造空间的方法。
Centralized monitoring system in power communication equipment room 电力通信机房设备网络化集中监控系统
The designs for MIS of Jiangsu power show room 江苏电力展示厅管理信息系统设计
Comparison on the Techniques Solutions of Power Supply System in the Power Room 机房电源系统技术方案比较
According to the demand of the Tianjin railway signal factory, the environment monitoring system of the railway signal power supply room is developed. 根据天津铁路信号厂提出的技术要求,研制开发了铁路信号机械室环境监测系统。
And so, the GIS-based Electric cable information management system can administrate transformer substation, switch substation, power distribution room, power cable, silo, canal and high voltage user according to their location, drawings, cable records. 本系统可以实现对变电站、开关站、配电室、电缆、竖井、沟道及高压用户等空间位置、图形资料(包括一次接线图、竣工图、断面图)、电缆台帐信息的综合管理;
Application of Emerson Total Power Equipment Room to Southwest Telecom IXC 艾默生一体化动力机房在西南通信互联网交换中心的应用
Analysis and Treatment on the Air Flow Failure of the Air Conditioner in the Power Room 机房专用空调一例气流故障的分析与处理
Low Noise Engineering Design for the Diesel Generator Power Room 柴油发电机组机房的低噪声工程设计
Power saving with room temperature adjustment in heating engineering 采暖工程中的室温调节与节能
MIS of power show room supplys a convenient and quick instrument to improve the operation and management efficiency of power show room. 展示厅管理信息系统为提高电力展示厅的运行管理效率提供了方便快捷的工具。
The system is an intelligent manage system of the low voltage electric power network with high cost performance and complete function including automatically storing data of the voltage of the power, monitoring the quality of the power and the surrounding of the power supply room. 开发的此系统是集电压自动记录仪、电压质量监测仪、室内环境监测等功能于一体,性能价格比较高、功能齐全的低压配电网络智能监测管理系统。
With the implementation of no attendant in diesel generator power room in telecom bureau, lead-acid battery auto-recharge for diesel generator has become a main factor affecting the reliability of diesel generator s automation function. 随着电信部门柴油发电机房无人值守的逐步实行,油机启动用铅酸蓄电池的自动充电已成为影响油机自动化可靠性的重要因素。
To make the careful monitor and maintenance of the air conditioner in the telecom power room is the foundation to secure the telecom equipment in normal operation. 做好电信机房专用空调的监测与维护,是保证机房内其他通信设备正常工作的基础。
However, excess government intervention destroys market mechanism and the expansion of government power provides room for rent-seeking activities and government corruption. 但是,过度的政府干预使市场机制遭到了严重的破坏,同时,政府权力的膨胀为寻租活动以及政府的腐败行为提供了空间。
With the continuous development of the telecommunications industry, power room, equipment and personnel management have received increasing attention. 随着电信产业的不断进步和发展,对机房、设备和人员的管理日益受到重视。
So it is very valuable to design a three-phase power supply quality monitoring system include measure, display, communication and high efficient, low cost, high reliability which is used in power distribution room as monitoring device. 所以设计一个集测量、显示和通信一体的高效率、低成本、高可靠性的三相供电质量的监测系统,用于配电室中作为监控装置是很有价值的。
To ensure safe and reliable communication systems, it is vital that the power room inside force and environmental equipments are automatically monitored and organically managed. 为了保证通信系统安全可靠工作,对机房里面动力、环境设备进行自动监视和有机管理是极其必要的。
The load and the characteristics of the equipment and energy saving potential for the region of DengFeng Daqing oil field new central heating system heat-Dengfeng coal-fired power plant boiler room and the central heating system of Second Power Plant were analyzed. 分析了登峰地区集中供热系统新建热源.登峰燃煤锅炉房与宏伟电厂二期集中供热系统的负荷及其各设备的特点及节能潜力。